Finding Baby James
(cont. post from 2015-08-23 “Baby Rescued!”)
Here is Karen’s detailed report:
“Lola is a wonderful lady who comes to the ladies Bible study on Thursdays! She was raising her 5 young grandchildren when we came to Romblon, but now has only 2. You’ve seen pictures of Rose Anne and Mark various times. They are part of our extended “family” here.
Lola’s daughter Antoinette lived in Manila with an abusive boyfriend. She lived in a very poor area of Cainta and had twins last November. One got sick and died from malnutrition and James lived. Money was sent to help Antoinette and baby James and 3 kids, but the bad boyfriend drank it up and eventually abandoned the family.
Antoinette was weak and dying when he left and when she was dying, she asked a neighbor to watch the baby if she died and give him to Lola at the right time. Sadly, “Tonette” died and Lola went to Manila to get the baby and kids and for a very sad funeral. The neighbor wouldn’t give the baby and took him to various towns hiding and demanding a large amount of money. Basically holding the child for ransom. This has continued for months. Officials called in…nothing happening….Lola spending a month in Manila, but to no avail… I was warned by many to not get involved or the price would go up. So I stayed here and did nothing.
Finally, I couldn’t stand it anymore. This precious baby in the hands of this monster. His grandmother aching to see him, but too poor to do anything. And couldn’t seem to do anything legally…
So last week, Patrick and I were going to Manila for a translation seminar. I had the idea to surprise the lady, show up and ask for the baby. Offer money for milk, diapers, and care. An appeal to decency…
So Andrew (Tonette’s younger brother) and I took a taxi to “Cainta Floodway” (a squatter area that floods in rainy season) and it started pouring rain! No rain for days and that day a drench! Which made it difficult to find where we were going. We arrived in the area of the neighbor’s house and down many dark alleys to her small one room home. I learned a lot about the beauty of Filipino culture that day. There were 2 chairs in the room. They gave them to us and brought coffee. Then we proceded to talk for an hour. Andrew did a lot of talking and I added. It was all Tagalog and nothing would budge her request. She also seemed to have a fear that the “deadbeat Dad” might return and kill her if she gave us James.
Finally decided to go talk before the “barangay captain” and try to solve this. Ten officials and a social worker….people kept coming …..nothing happening good. Andrew said, “I’ll come back next week and try again”….. I said ” Weve come to Manila on a 12 hr ship, taken a taxi here, we’ve come this far, I’m not leaving without this baby”….(was afraid baby James might disappear again)……meanwhile was able to hold and feed the precious bundle. Negotiations going nowhere…..finally left the barangay hall…..and yes, in tears! As we leave, Andrew says “They want a secret meeting back at the house”… We go back to the ” kidnapper’s house and sit while she is getting us lunch…..Filipino hospitality!!! Poorest of poor , bad situation…..serving us lunch. Love Filipino people.
Two hours of more talking. Me trying to convince them that if “deadbeat dad” wanted the baby he would have taken him long ago….and if he returns, he owes this lady a bunch of money. He’s not returning!
Texting Patrick “not going well”…. Patrick starts praying!
All of a sudden the social worker says ” She says you can take the baby!”…..Only God turned her heart!
So we exchanged phone #s address, made it official and handed me baby James!!!
Then another fun Filipino thing happened! We take the baby to all the neighbors and say goodbye! And of course everyone takes pictures! Us with the kidnapper and the baby…..Andrew and I and baby…..neighbors and the baby! Me hugging kidnapper with baby! Praying for the salvation of this poor lady! Praying God uses it all for His glory! Building more faith for Lola, Andrew, Patrick and I and all involved.
I truly saw miracles that day!
Please continue to pray as Andrew and his new wife will care for baby James! Lola is leaving here tomorrow for 3 months to go help care for baby James as Andrew’s new wife is due in September.
Appreciate prayer for all of us!
To Him be the Glory! Amen!