Update 05/08/2013

Dear friends and family!


Here is an update with thanksgivings and prayer requests.


[-] Our trip to Romblon Island:

We made it back to Manila, tired, but in good health and very joyful!
The Lord gave much opportunity to witness to folks while on the boat going to the island: Karen shared the Lord with Barbara Shepherd from Australia, who lives on Romblon.  Patrick spoke with a German couple and had a few hours of conversation about the Lord  with a gentleman from Germany named Volker (…we didn’t get much sleep, as you can imagine!).

We managed to visit with Barbara Shepherd and her husband Dennis a couple of times, while on the island, and they were of great help to us in giving us the lay of the island and with the search for rental apartments.

We had a wonderful time with Lani Mangaring and her kids, Mary Cris, Anthony and Tamara. (Lani is a widow whose husband passed away in 2008, she assisted Karen from 1990-1995).  Anthony graduated top of his class and was awarded 17 Gold medals!  Lani is a wonderful and godly friend and she took good care of us while on Romblon.  She also assisted us in searching for rental properties. She found 3 rentals for us,  whereby 2 of them fell through due to misc. reasons. (It seems rents can triple if you are a foreigner, so we are learning to have Lani help in the negotiations…).  We are still in contact with the owner of the 3rd rental property.  Incidentally, when we visited this place, a bunch of kids gathered all around on the front porch.  We could see right away many possibilities for a kids club there!!

We also met with Phyllis Rapha, a missionary with SIL (Summer Institute of Linguistics/ Wycliffe) from Singapore. She has been working on the island for a few years doing translation of the New Testament into the island dialect. She gave us many helpful tips in regards to the Gospel work and the people on Romblon. She told us also some exciting news about the New Testament in Romblomanon: it is almost done and in the final stages of publication! There are several groups that are using the new Romblomanon Gospel of Luke for Bible study, with very good results. There was even a baptism of several as a result of these studies.

We are excited to see what God will do!


[-] Baquio City:

we had a short, but wonderful time with Ken & Joyce Hardisty. The Sunday we where there was busy with visiting the “Baguio Gold” assembly for the Lord’s Supper & preaching, and then the “Navy Base” assembly for the Bible Hour and fellowship.


[-] Language Study:

Karen is now meeting weekly with her tutor. Patrick is studying with several Computer resources and books. We purchased the Romblomanon Dictionary, published by SIL/ Wycliffe. Patrick is also refreshing his German, especially in regards to the Holy Scriptures and the Gospel verses.


Thanksgiving to the Lord:

[-] for Karen’s speedy recovery from surgery

[-] that Aunt Rose Brooks is doing very well and is back in fellowship at San Juan Gospel Chapel

[-] that BSA (Bible School of the Air) has received some funds and was able to build the first floor of their new facility. We hope to use their Filipino ECS courses in the work on Romblon Island!

[-] for allowing us to enjoy the loving fellowship at San Juan Gospel Chapel

[-] for showing us the possibilities on Romblon Island in regards to the Gospel and some places we might live.

[-] for safety while traveling many miles last month.

[-] for Lani Mangaring and her family for taking care of us.

[-] for providing ALL of our needs! Yes, Praise the Lord!


Prayer Requests:

[-] for the Lord to show us the right rental property to live and exactly where we should minister. And if the 3rd rental property is the one, please Lord, guide us and give us wisdom in the negotiations. We are meeting with the owner this Friday here in Manila!

[-] for the Lord to provide a small motorbike for Lani, to save the cost of public transportation (which eats up all her profit). Because she is a widow, we are trying to encourage her in her baking business…she bakes and sells her goods to merchants in the town.

[-] smooth transition to the island, probably starting in November.

[-] concentration, energy and discipline for the language study.

[-] Philippine driver’s licenses for both of us.

[-] Patrick’s passport renewal, incl. no problems with the transfer of the Philippine visa.


We need your prayers!

Thanks for laboring with us in this regard!


We think of you often and miss you all!


Ps 34:8 & 9

O taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusts in him. 

O fear the LORD, all of you his saints: for there is no lack to them that fear him.


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Welcome to the Philippinnes!
May 2013

--Click here for our Picture Gallery--

Translation of William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary in to the filipino language Tagalog


The Mangaring Family, left to right:

Lani, Mary Cris, Tamara and Anthony


Phyllis Rapha, a Missionary from Singapore, who assisted SIL/ Wycliffe in translating the NT in to Romblomanon



The rental property...

It looks bigger than it is...it needs a lot of work, because it has been abandon for a long time...

Romblon Town Harbor