Prayer Request Apr. 27, 2024

Dear Praying Friends and Family!

We would like to ask for prayer for the kid’s club that is going on right now.  The kid’s are memorizing Romans 7:25 – 8:4. Verse 8: 1 says “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus!”. Please pray that the Gospel will fall on solid ground!  Each kid will take a bag of 11lbs of rice home today!

Also, last week we had a birthday “party” for Karen at our favorite restaurant, and the Lord provided an incredible opportunity to share the Gospel & give testimony to a bunch of people:

♦  Bill M. is an atheist that Karen is witnessing to on an almost daily basis at CoffeeTime shop in town.  He is the only one that walked out during the presentation…

♦  Narciso “Gene” R. is the father of our late friend Carlos.  He is a dear friend of Patrick’s, a very smart, highly intellectual man, who “wants to believe”, but just can’t. He considers himself an “agnostic” and we had many good discussion about this.  On that evening he clearly heard the Gospel.

♦  Mei is the 23 year old “fiance” of Carlos, and is also the manager of that restaurant.  Karen had many good talks with her about Jesus, and she is in favor of all of it.  There are just some “Catholic” superstition and confusion that come up now and then.

♦  Chad, Matt and Megan are people that we just met and we do not know where they stand with God, but they also heard the Gospel presentation clearly, and were listening!


We thank the Lord for providing this opportunity to share the Gospel with all of them.

Finally: April, May, and June are the hottest months of the year. Please pray for us, for endurance and good health!


We appreciate your prayers and fellowship so much!


In His Love,

Patrick and Karen

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“…to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen” – Jude 25

Prayer Request Feb. 23, 2024

Dear Praying Friends and Family!

We would like to ask for prayers for a lady named Sarah, who is a Jewish Filipino and who is searching the Bible for answers.

Also for Jimmy, an agnostic man, with whom Karen had many opportunities to share the Gospel.

And for a young lady named Mei, who is searching for God as she grieves the loss of her boyfriend Carlos.

Also please pray for Katie, a British lady, who doubts that there is God,  but listened to Karen out of respect.

All of these and many more are contacts made at the “CoffeeTime” shop, and God continues to give opportunities.

Pray for a faithful worker for CoffeeTime.

Pray for the Bible study with a new baker across the street from CoffeeTime.

Lastly, please pray for Bible Verse Memory club this Saturday, for all helpers and for salvation for these kids.


We appreciate your prayers and fellowship so much!


In His Love,


Patrick and Karen


“…to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen” – Jude 25

Update January 19th, 2024

Dear praying Friends and Family!

The Lord gave us 100 kids on December 29th, that came to our Kids Bible Verse Memory Club!  We provided meals, 11lbs bags of rice, great games & fun that day to all of them!  We praise & thank the Lord for all of it!

Patrick produced 50 pieces of USB drives with the King of Glory Movie on it, and they all were handed out at a Bible Conference in Manila! Praise the Lord!

Karen is trying to revive the CoffeeTime shop in town, and she enjoys witnessing to people there very much.

On January 2nd we traveled to Manila for our work visa, to get finger printed and our pictures taken.  We hope and pray that we will receive the new visa soon!  The travel this time was harder than usual, due to the boat being full, because of the Fiesta in town that week!  The Lord provided 2 bunk beds on the open deck of the boat back to Romblon, before selling all out!  Praise Him!


Please continue to pray for:

⚑  Kid’s Bible Verse Memory Club

⚑  The King of Glory Movie distribution

⚑  The renewal of our work visa


Thanks for praying with us and for us!


In Him!

Patrick and Karen

Romblon Island



“I will praise the name of God in song, and magnify him with thanksgiving!”

Psalm 69:31 (KJV)

Merry Christmas!

Dear All:


We wish you a very Merry CHRISTmas!



Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.(God with us)… – Isaiah 7:14

Update December 15th, 2023

Dear Praying Friends and Family!

First of all, we praise & thank the Lord for His goodness, and His love for us!

There is some exciting news in regard to an upcoming Bible conference and the  King of Glory Movie distribution on USB drives.  Patrick made and sent out around 50 of them to be handed out at that conference!

Also, there will be another conference in February! Please pray that we will be able to get enough of the USB drives delivered by then!

We would appreciate prayers for the upcoming Christmas party for 180+ kids, coming soon!  We will give each of them 11 pounds of rice…

On a sad note, our dear friend, Carlos Reyes, 48, passed away a few weeks ago unexpectedly.  We, and another couple here on the island, had been witnessing to him and his family for some time.  Please pray for this family.


We appreciate your prayers and fellowship so much!


In His Love,

Patrick and Karen


“…to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen” – Jude 25

Happy Thanksgiving 2023!


We are so thankful for you!


Thank you for praying for us, thank you for your kindness & love,

and thank you for your fellowship with us!


In Him,

Patrick & Karen


Update 06/19/2023

Dear praying Friends and Family!

We had quite the challenges re-entering our island after being kept in the USA for 1.5 years due to COVID restrictions. It felt like we were starting up from scratch again. Our car and bikes did not run when we arrived, as major repairs were needed, but the LORD got it all done for us! The car still needs some more repairs and we are waiting for parts to arrive from Manila.

We have the coffee shop in town as a livelihood project, and for discipling young women, along with baking- and serving skills.  And also use it for evangelism, as God gives opportunity with customers.  But recently we’ve had some heartbreak with promiscuity by one young woman, hurting this ministry immensely. So we had to close temporarily.  Pray for a new staff, and opportunities for repentance, as we continue to encourage this young woman at fault.

Patrick is still working on the “King of Glory” movie in Filipino and has created a public share for it to be downloaded.  We hope & pray that many will download it and use it for the Glory of the King!

He also is continuing to work on the “Believer’s Bible Commentary” in Filipino to provide more modules in several other formats. He has published the completed modules, including the PDF, for public download a few weeks ago.

We continue our verse memory club, that has touched on about 180 kids, and we pray for their salvation, as they hide many gospel verses, including whole chapters of Romans, in their hearts. It’s been amazing to see this club grow over the last 8 years, despite all the COVID restrictions. The numbers are down though, but we are confident that the Lord will build it back up…


Please pray for

⚑   the Bible Verse Memory club to grow again

⚑   the evangelistic efforts in town

⚑   the coffee shop to open again, new staff

⚑   the King of Glory Movie in Tagalog to be spread thru out the Philippines

⚑   the Believer’s Bible Commentary in Tagalog – 

                                      remaining modules to be completed



Thanks for praying with us and for us!


In His Love,

Patrick and Karen


“I will praise the name of God in song, and magnify him with thanksgiving!” 

Psalm 69:31 (KJV)


Prayer Request Dec. 16th, 2022

Dear Friends and Family!


We arrived safe & sound on Romblon Island a week ago, praise the LORD! The travel from JFK to Manila, then to our island was challenging and exhausting, but we are joyful to be back!

One of the current challenges is that none of our vehicles are running at this time, and many other repairs are pending.  This is overwhelming to say the least…please pray for this.

Also, we were just told that our 9g work visa can not be renewed.  We’d need to have our work visa “downgraded” to a tourist visa. This might take 30-45 days, and then, the immigration bureau will force us to leave the country. We might be able to return after a few days, though…please pray for this also…

Finally, we are having a “Christmas” kid’s verse club tomorrow morning, and the kid’s will hear a Gospel presentation, and also take home a 11lbs bag of rice!


Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you all!


Thanks for praying with us and for us!


In Him!


Patrick and Karen
Romblon Island


Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel.(God with us)… – Isaiah 7:14


Update 11/15/2022

Dear Praying Friends and Family!


Praise the LORD, we were able to book our flight to Manila PH on November 26th!

Our flight back from Cornelius, NC, where we are staying currently, to CMML on November 24th is also booked. Please continue to pray for all of this, especially for a negative COVID test the morning of the 25th, and then a smooth travel to Manila. We also booked the hotel for 7 days, as we have things to take care of while in Manila, like the renewal our Visa and our Philippine driver’s license, etc…

We are so grateful to the LORD!

  • He guided us
  • He took care of all the details of our lives
  • He encouraged us
  • He got us through all the challenges
  • He continued to use us in ministry
  • He provided for every one of our needs

Praise the LORD!


Thanks for praying with us and for us!


In His Love,


Patrick and Karen


“…A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps…” – Proverbs 16:9


Update 10/07/2022

Dear praying Friends and Family!


First off, we would like to thank you all for your continued prayer for us and our ministry.  We also want to thank you for your wonderful kindness, support and fellowship you have shown towards us!  We praise the LORD for you all!

Just today we received wonderful and encouraging news about the re-entry in to the Philippines: just a few days ago, a dear missionary friend from Australia was allowed entry, despite having the same vax status as we do!  He explained in detail the process and we are mightily encouraged!  We also are hearing similar reports from others about their experience with the re-entry.  So we will actively be looking for flights and hotel bookings…please continue to pray!

Also, please continue to pray for the Bible study here in Abilene KS.  We are taking the folks through the “What The Bible Teaches” Emmaus course.  We think that one of the men is NOT a believer.  Tonight’s lesson will be on “The New Birth” and we pray that he will positively respond to the Gospel message.  In addition, one of the participants ordered the same course that she is going to use with a group from her apartment complex, praise the LORD!

Patrick continues to work on getting the translated books of “The Believer’s Bible Commentary” ready for electronic publishing.  It is a lot of tedious formatting work, so please continue to pray for this also…

Karen continues to meet up with women for encouragement, spiritual growth, and practical service. She found many opportunities here in Abilene to take seniors to physical therapy, Doctors appointments,  and others…


Thanks for praying with us and for us!


In His Love,

Patrick and Karen


” Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ “

Isaiah 41:10


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Welcome to the Philippinnes!
May 2024

--Click here for our Picture Gallery--

Translation of William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary in to the filipino language Tagalog


The Mangaring Family, left to right:

Lani, Mary Cris, Tamara and Anthony


Phyllis Rapha, a Missionary from Singapore, who assisted SIL/ Wycliffe in translating the NT in to Romblomanon



The rental property...

It looks bigger than it needs a lot of work, because it has been abandon for a long time...

Romblon Town Harbor