Update 2016-02-25

Dear Friends and Family!


We got our airline tickets to the US, Praise the LORD!

The schedule of our FIRST furlough back to the US is, that we fly out from Manila to New York City, JFK, on April 6th, to stay at CMML, to then make our way to Michigan, Illinois, Kansas, Northern Ontario Canada, Vancouver BC, and, Lord willing, to San Francisco…We are planning to fly back to the Philippines the first week of July…Please pray that the LORD will arrange all the details!

We are planning to distribute rice and Gospel literature before we leave on our furlough, as we had wonderful responses from the recent 2 ones.  We are praying for 2 more Bible studies, since some folks from or village expressed interest in such…

The translation work of William MacDonald’s BELIEVER’S BIBLE COMMENTARY is going well, and we shipped some copies of the “Community Readability Check” version of the Gospel of John, chapters 1-6, to assemblies in Bicol! We are praying for more translators, as it is indeed a large job!

Also, the LORD graciously provided funds for Bibles, and we just go a box of 25 Tagalog ones!  Praise the LORD!  It is such a blessing!


Please continue to pray for:

  • Current weekly Bible studies
  • The Lord to establish 2 more Bibles studies
  • Constructive & rich feedback from the community about the translation quality
  • More Filipino translators
  • Our furlough April 6th – June, 2016


Thanks for praying with us and for us!


In Him!

Patrick & Karen



Update 2016-01-28

Dear Friends and Family!


Things in our village are getting back to normal after the recent typhoon left a path of destruction behind.  We are thankful to the LORD that no lives were lost and that we were able to minister to our community…

After the typhoon, we distributed a Christmas gift basket, filled with rice and other items, to all the families in our village. As a result, some folks mentioned an interest in Bible study! Praise the LORD!  We are praying that we soon will start a new Bible study group!

We also distributed 266kg (590 pounds) of rice to the neighborhood south of us, to about 150 families.  Here also, folks mentioned an interest in Bible study and we are praying that the interest is real and the LORD will allow us to have a new study group there!

The translation team is working hard on the Gospel of John in the “Believer’s Bible Commentary” and we just recently conducted a “Community Readability Check” here in Romblon.  We had good and valuable feedback and the project was well received within our community.  This is part of our “Quality Assurance” effort, to ensure that the translation can be comprehended by multiple population groups, like youth and rural folks.  The team is in desperate need of more translators, so please pray that the LORD will provide!

We are finalizing our schedule for our 3 month Furlough to the US, starting the first week in April, and many details have to come about soon.  Please pray!

Finally, we are scheduled to sail to  Manila Feb. 5th and to stay for about a week.  We are in need of supplies, but also we need to accomplish some tasks with the Immigration office. Please pray for safety, but also for strength, as the usual boat that went directly to Manila has been discontinued.  We arrive in Batangas and have to take a 3h bus to Manila, which is very rough…


Please continue to pray for:

⚑ New possible Bible studies

⚑ Current Bible studies

⚑ Translation of William MacDonald’s “Believer’s Bible Commentary”

⚑ More translators

⚑ Furlough details to come about

⚑ Travel to Manila February 5th


Thank you for praying with us and for us!


In Him,

Patrick & Karen Carder



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Welcome to the Philippinnes!
February 2016

--Click here for our Picture Gallery--

Translation of William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary in to the filipino language Tagalog


The Mangaring Family, left to right:

Lani, Mary Cris, Tamara and Anthony


Phyllis Rapha, a Missionary from Singapore, who assisted SIL/ Wycliffe in translating the NT in to Romblomanon



The rental property...

It looks bigger than it is...it needs a lot of work, because it has been abandon for a long time...

Romblon Town Harbor