Dear Friends and Family,
We praise the LORD that Patrick is getting stronger and well again. It was quite a scare with his recent 10 day stay in the hospital, due to diabetic keto-acidosis. He still is experiencing some fatigue at times and we continue to pray for the LORD’s care and provision.
We are so blessed by the growing women’s Bible study and just recently started teaching on the Gospel of John. To our surprise and joy, Sarah, the 12 year old girl that had been sent to Manila to earn money for the family, who we were praying for the LORD to protect her in the dangerous metro area, came back to Romblon and is again attending our study group! We thank the LORD for answering prayer!
The translation team is finalizing Bill MacDonald’s commentary on the Gospel of John (into Filipino), to get it ready for proof-reading, editing and type-setting. The next book to be translated will be the BBC on Philippians…
Please continue to pray for the following:
⚑ Patrick’s health
⚑ Weekly Women’s Bible Study
⚑ Translation of Bill Macdonalds’ Believer’s Bible Commentary in to Filipino
Thanks for praying with us for us!
In Him,
Patrick & Karen
“…to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty,
dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen” – Jude 25
Sarah is the 4th lady from the left…