Dear Friends and Family!
Our island is still recovering from Typhoon “Tisoy”, a category 5 storm, that left much devastation in it’s path. We praise the LORD that no lives were lost! We also praise Him, that the power to our house restored was restored just a few hours ago! The last 3 weeks were hard on us, as we had little sleep, and a lot of work, and some things just not going right. We thank the LORD that he brought us through it all!
The coffee shop in town is coming together nicely, but we still are facing challenges with permits, and so forth. Please pray, as we already had good contacts to share the Gospel!
We had to cancel the Bible Verse Memorization Club, due to the power outage, needed roof repairs, and that our helpers could not make it here, because of road conditions…
Please continue to pray for the following:
⚑ for many to come to receive the LORD Jesus as their Savior!
⚑ Coffee store in town, going well, but some challenges ahead…
⚑ the planning of a Gospel Movie for the kids…
⚑ Ladies Bible Study…also on break…
⚑ Filipino BB Commentary – on break…
⚑ “The Bible Translator” – on break…
⚑ The King of Glory Movie – Tagalog Audio – on break…
Thanks for praying with us and for us!
In Him!
Patrick and Karen
Barangay Calabogo
Romblon Island
5500 Romblon, Romblon
“…to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen” – Jude 25