Update 11/15/2022

Dear Praying Friends and Family!


Praise the LORD, we were able to book our flight to Manila PH on November 26th!

Our flight back from Cornelius, NC, where we are staying currently, to CMML on November 24th is also booked. Please continue to pray for all of this, especially for a negative COVID test the morning of the 25th, and then a smooth travel to Manila. We also booked the hotel for 7 days, as we have things to take care of while in Manila, like the renewal our Visa and our Philippine driver’s license, etc…

We are so grateful to the LORD!

  • He guided us
  • He took care of all the details of our lives
  • He encouraged us
  • He got us through all the challenges
  • He continued to use us in ministry
  • He provided for every one of our needs

Praise the LORD!


Thanks for praying with us and for us!


In His Love,


Patrick and Karen



“…A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps…” – Proverbs 16:9


Update 10/07/2022

Dear praying Friends and Family!


First off, we would like to thank you all for your continued prayer for us and our ministry.  We also want to thank you for your wonderful kindness, support and fellowship you have shown towards us!  We praise the LORD for you all!

Just today we received wonderful and encouraging news about the re-entry in to the Philippines: just a few days ago, a dear missionary friend from Australia was allowed entry, despite having the same vax status as we do!  He explained in detail the process and we are mightily encouraged!  We also are hearing similar reports from others about their experience with the re-entry.  So we will actively be looking for flights and hotel bookings…please continue to pray!

Also, please continue to pray for the Bible study here in Abilene KS.  We are taking the folks through the “What The Bible Teaches” Emmaus course.  We think that one of the men is NOT a believer.  Tonight’s lesson will be on “The New Birth” and we pray that he will positively respond to the Gospel message.  In addition, one of the participants ordered the same course that she is going to use with a group from her apartment complex, praise the LORD!

Patrick continues to work on getting the translated books of “The Believer’s Bible Commentary” ready for electronic publishing.  It is a lot of tedious formatting work, so please continue to pray for this also…

Karen continues to meet up with women for encouragement, spiritual growth, and practical service. She found many opportunities here in Abilene to take seniors to physical therapy, Doctors appointments,  and others…


Thanks for praying with us and for us!


In His Love,

Patrick and Karen



” Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ “

Isaiah 41:10


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Welcome to the Philippinnes!
November 2022

--Click here for our Picture Gallery--

Translation of William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary in to the filipino language Tagalog


The Mangaring Family, left to right:

Lani, Mary Cris, Tamara and Anthony


Phyllis Rapha, a Missionary from Singapore, who assisted SIL/ Wycliffe in translating the NT in to Romblomanon



The rental property...

It looks bigger than it is...it needs a lot of work, because it has been abandon for a long time...

Romblon Town Harbor