Dear Friends and Family!
Thank you so much for praying for us!
Of all things, we had a brownout (no power!) when we arrived in town to setup the
sound equipment!
We had to to wait until 4:30pm to start the sound check and it took us until 6pm
to get it done…the outreach suppose to start at 7pm…
I had to go back to our house to change cloth and pick up Karen and we barely made it back in time…
Many people were praying and indeed, the concert started on time without any glitches!
The Gospel was preached and tracts were handed out!
Praise the Lord!
We made it home by midnight, only to find our house dark, with no power.
This power outage lasted for 12 hours and we did not get much sleep that night,
due to the heat, …but we praised the Lord for keeping the power on during the outreach…
Again, thanks for laboring with us in prayer!
“…God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.”
“He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God
does not have life…”
1st John 5:11-12 (NKJV)