Update July 15th

We had a very good trip to Manila, praise the LORD!

As planned, we had my blood drawn and sent via FedEx to the clinic in Michigan, the same day, and it arrived only 4 days later!  The clinic was able to use it and they determined that I am a 12-out-of-12 match to my sister and therefore a valid bone marrow donor, praise the LORD!  My sister Ann is doing well so far and is still undergoing chemo treatment, but did have some episodes where she had to have transfusions to up her platelet count… We pray for her daily, for wisdom, for her and her doctors…and on how to proceed with treatments.  She feels that the bone marrow transplant is a “last resort option”, as there are risks to be considered…

We got home to the island safely, but immediately came down with a cold, which is very much typical… also, many folks in our village are sick with a cold as well. This caused our ladies Bible study to trickle down a bit… However, the LORD revived it for us, and last Thursday 9 ladies attended!  Praise HIM!  …we are so encouraged by it!

Also, we had such a great turnout during the weekly Summer meetings with the kids, that we are trying to kick off the new monthly Children’s Bible Memory Club, but we had to cancel some, due to heavy rain… after all, we are now in the beginning of what the folks here call “rainy season”…  We will be trying again today, Saturday July 15th, but as I write this, it is raining heavily…

The translation effort for WMD Bible commentary has slowed down, due to losing our main editor, who moved to the US for a new job and also to serve his home assembly there.  We continue to pray hard for the LORD to bring us some more Filipinos for the translation and for editing…we are a little discouraged by this, but it is the LORD who has to move it forward, as it is His project!

The translation of the KING OF GLORY movie is going well and I am formatting the text for final proof reading.  All the gear for the audio recording is ready to go, but we are still looking for a quiet place we could use as a studio.  Manila is a noisy place with heavy traffic everywhere and the BSA office will probably not be suitable because of that.  There is a possibility to rent a professional studio at the Christian radio station DZAS, where the San Juan assembly produces and broadcasts a weekly Bible lesson on Sunday afternoons, called “the Bible School of the Air“.  DZAS is owned by the FAR EASTERN BROAD CASTING COMPANY (FEBC), which has been operating in the Philippines since 1948…

Lastly, we have not seen any major impact in our area or Manila’s in regards to the current state of Martial Law in the south.


Please continue to pray for the following:

⚑ Ladies Bible Study

⚑ Monthly Children’s Bible Memory Club

the “On the way Home from School” feeding program

⚑ Translation of Bill MacDonald’s Believers Bible Commentary in to Filipino

Audio processing of the Filipino narration of the KING OF GLORY movie (studio)

Martial Law in Davao (south Philippines) because of MAUTE/ ISIS terror attacks

⚑ for men, women, boys and girls to receive the LORD Jesus as their Lord & Savior


Thank you for praying!  It means a lot to us!


In Him,

Patrick & Karen



“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;

In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.” – Pro. 3:5-6

Some pictures…

Prizes Bible Memory
Prizes Bible Memory


Bible Memory Club - June 2017
Bible Memory Club – June 2017


Bible Memory Club - June 2017
Bible Memory Club – June 2017


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Welcome to the Philippinnes!
July 2017

--Click here for our Picture Gallery--

Translation of William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary in to the filipino language Tagalog


The Mangaring Family, left to right:

Lani, Mary Cris, Tamara and Anthony


Phyllis Rapha, a Missionary from Singapore, who assisted SIL/ Wycliffe in translating the NT in to Romblomanon



The rental property...

It looks bigger than it is...it needs a lot of work, because it has been abandon for a long time...

Romblon Town Harbor