Dear Friends & Family,
We are very encouraged lately with what is happening at our weekly Ladies Bible Study! For one, we had a very good number show up, and the fellowship afterwards was just wonderful! Secondly, one older lady named Elsa (our landlord’s aunt…), who we noticed of having some memory problems, often not recognizing us when we pass by, showed up! She is known in the village as being “mean”… Well, Praise The LORD, she showed up last Saturday for Bible Study and was the sweetest person! She also had good questions in regard to forgiveness, and she heard the Gospel very clearly that day! It was a joy to see her sharp, alert & attentive! Please pray for her salvation!
The Bible Verse Memory Club is going very well, and we are encourage by the many young people returning the exams of our Tagalog ECS courses for grading. Thus far we have handed out 35 Certificates! Praise The LORD!
Patrick completed version 1.00 of the software module for the “The Bible Translator’s Assistant” application, and it was well received by the group! It still needs some “polishing” and additional features, like a personal dictionary database, where the translator can store personal English phrases. There is still much to do, so please pray for wisdom & stamina!
Please continue to pray for the following:
⚑ Travel: we are schedule to sail to Manila on March 22nd, for supplies and meetings with the TBTA software group…
⚑ Lani Mangaring: she is currently the Ladies Bible Study leader, please pray for wisdom & endurance…
⚑ Building: we are utilizing the building quite a bit, and some electrical outlets & lights have been installed just recently, thank You LORD!
⚑ BBC Translation: is on hold, due to vacation of our main translator…we are still praying for more translators, proof readers, and editors…
⚑ King of Glory Movie: is on hold due to overwhelming school projects of our voice talent, and pending setup of sound proofing measures in the studio…
⚑ The Bible Translator’s Assistant: continued software development…wisdom & stamina…
⚑ Salvation: pray for children & adults to receive the LORD Jesus as their LORD & Savior!
Thanks for praying with us & for us!
In Him,
Patrick & Karen
Brgy Calabogo
5500 Romblon, Romblon
” I will praise the name of God in song, and magnify him with thanksgiving!.”
Psalm 69:31
Here are some pictures:
One lady has completed the entire Unit 1/ Basic ECS Curriculum!
Our weekly Ladies Bible Study…
Our Bible Memory Verse Club…its Snack Time!
Our Building is coming together quite nicely! Thank You Lord!