Dear Friends and Family,
Wow! A few days ago we had a record hot day with 96.8F & 90% humidity – we were melting! The power went off also, and we had to turn on our trusted generator several times. The longest outage we had thus far started at 2am and lasted 8h, thank you LORD for the generator!
Last week we were able to start the rehearsal of the narration for “King of Glory” and finally got some audio tracks recorded. Our “voice-talent” is incredible and it was a joy working with her! There are still many weeks of editing to align the recording with the time line of the movie, so please continue to pray for strength, stamina and the LORD’s guiding!
The translation team just finished the final draft of the Gospel of John from William MacDonald’s “Believer’s Bible Commentary” in Tagalog/ Filipino. Lord willing, it will go into the publishing phase once the final proof reading is done. The next books being edited are “Colossians” & “Philippians” and it is going well so far. Please pray for the team and this project!
Due to the kids being out of school, both the Ladies Bible Study and the kid’s Bible Verse Memory Club are on pause until school starts up again. Please pray that the LORD will bring them all back!
Please continue to pray for the following:
- Building: we are utilizing the building quite a bit, and some electrical outlets & lights have been installed just recently, thank You LORD!
- BBC Translation: final proof reading of “John”, and editing of “Philippians” & Colossians...
- King of Glory Movie: editing to align recording to time line of movie…
- The Bible Translator’s Assistant: continued software development…wisdom & stamina…
- Salvation: pray for children & adults to receive the LORD Jesus as their LORD & Savior!
Thanks for praying for us & with us!
In Him,
Patrick & Karen
Brgy Calabogo
5500 Romblon, Romblon
“…to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen.” – Jude 25