Dear Friends and Family!
As of June 1st, the Philippine government has changed some entry policies, and there seems to be more confusion than before. We received an email from the US Embassy in Manila just the other day, that clearly stated that we are now allowed to enter the country, with only some minor procedures. The airlines seem to have no knowledge of this yet, same with other Philippine government agencies. So, buying tickets right now is not advisable, so we are aiming for our return to be about mid of July. This might also help to lower the current high prices of airline tickets.
Please continue to pray for the LORD’s leading and direction in this regard.
Also, our team at home on Romblon are planning another kid’s club soon. Please pray for this.
Please pray for the Tuesday’s Bible Study here in Abilene. Many more folks came to watch portions of the King of Glory movie, and we had good comments and good discussions about it. We praise the LORD for this wonderful tool!
Thanks for praying with us and for us!
In Him!
Patrick and Karen
“…to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory,
majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen”
– Jude 25