Thank You for praying for safety during the recent Tropical Storm TOKAGE (Marce)! The power came back after about 10 hours and the storm was gone next morning…sunshine and calm waters! And, not much damage, thank you LORD!
The weekly Ladies Bible study had to be canceled the last couple of weeks due to weather, but also due to illness in our village (cold & flue…).
The translation team is finalizing Bill MacDonald’s commentary on the Gospel of John, to get it ready for proof-reading, editing and type-setting. The next book to be translated, Philippians, is in the process. Please pray for the team, as Satan is attacking this effort, and some of the involved are discouraged…
Also, the translation of the KING OF GLORY is in its end stages and we are eagerly awaiting the documents. The current plan is to have one of the brother at the San Juan assembly read it and for Patrick to record the narration. The audio will then be integrated in to the KOG DVD movie…thats means that there is a lot of work ahead, but we are very joyful to be able to do it!
Finally, our visa (PH Immigration) needs to be renewed in January. It is always a challenge!
Please continue to pray for the following:
⚑ People’s Health
⚑ Weekly Women’s Bible Study
⚑ Second Bible Study to start
⚑ Translation of Bill Macdonalds’ Believer’s Bible Commentary in to Filipino
⚑ Translation of KING OF GLORY
⚑ Renewal of our visa with the Philippine Immigration Bureau in January
Thanks for praying with us and for us!
In Him,
Patrick & Karen
“…A man’s heart plans his course, but Yahweh directs his steps….” – Prov 16:9 (WEB)