Update 12/27/2012


We just came home from the Immigration Bureau, where we were finger printed, photographed, scanned, measured & weighed.


We are now LEGAL ALIENS of the Philippines!




““Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ . . .” – 2. Cor 2:14”


Update 11/28/2012

Hi Friends and Family!
Here is a quick update:

– the Lord laid on Karen’s heart to have a Bible study with
3 of the young women here on our compound;
> please pray that the Lord will guide her in this regards!

– Patrick will be speaking at the Hillcrest assembly on
Sunday December the 16th;
> please pray that the Lord will give Patrick the appropriate topic,
guidance and wisdom!

– Patrick is still helping with the exegesis translation of selected Gospel-
and apologetic writings and texts;
> please continue to pray for the Lord to help and guide in this task!

– We are now in the final stages in the Visa process;
> please pray that the Lord will allow everything to go well!

– Our language study is going well. Praise the Lord!
> please continued to pray for this task: it is somewhat difficult…

– One of the local full time workers, Gerry Ui, is praying for the Lord to
establish a new, English speaking home assembly, here on our compound.
> please pray that the Lord will guide and direct in this regards!


– We praise the Lord for providing a vehicle for us!

> We are so thankful, because it will make our ministry so much more efficient!
(We are now able to spend more time with people and less time standing in line
and waiting for public transportation…). Thank you Lord!
– BSA (Bible School of the Air) is very busy these days, especially with Christmas
being so close; they send out and grade over 2.5 million correspondence courses
every year! BSA is not operated or funded by ECS (Emmaus Correspondence School)
or the Emmaus Bible College…
> please continue to pray for this important ministry!
> please continue to pray for the completion of the new BSA building, which has
stopped construction due to lack of funds…

So, that’s all for now…
We think of you often and miss you all very much!
With much love,
Patrick & Karen Carder

“Jn 3:30 “He must increase , but I must decrease”


Update 11/04/2012

Greetings from Manila!

Here are some updates:

– we are still working on the apartment to get it cozy, and we purchased our first piece of furniture! The Lord is good!

– we visited the Hillcrest Gospel assembly 2 Sundays ago and had a wonderful time there, despite that is a Tagalog (Filipino) only speaking assembly…They have many young people in their meeting and they just concluded a youth conference…Over 200 attended, all from the surrounding assemblies. The elders are Ed and Melvin, whereby Ed lives with his family, his wife Joy and their 2 teenage daughters, here on the compound with us. Melvin works at SIL (aka. Wycliff ) and he said he will get us in contact with the translators of the”Romblonian” Bible. It is incredible how the Lord works these things out!

Hillcrest Chapel
Hillcrest Chapel

– last Sunday we visited the San Juan Gospel chapel again and brother Ronald was the speaker. This assembly is dual language and we enjoyed a wonderful B&B worship service. The folks there are very warm and welcoming.

– over the last 2 days, Patrick helped again with the “Exegesis” translation and this time with a booklet called “The Mass: from Mystery to Meaning”, published by Everyday Publications. An excellent booklet on apologetics in regards to the Roman Catholic Church doctrine and practices. The target group are the RCs, which, as you probably know, are many here in the Philippines. Please continue to pray for this effort.

– we signed up for DSL and it is unclear how long it will take to get it…please pray that it will be soon! We are connecting to the internet via a mobile pocket device and it is very slow and unreliable…

– we were unable to met with language tutor, but our office is all set up and we will start self-study Monday of next week. Please pray that we will learn the language fast…

– continue to pray for our visa. Today Patrick had to go to several different municipal locations to get a tax certificate and a barangay (neighborhood) clearance and it took him almost a half of a day to do it all…there is still more ahead of us…

– last week we witnessed to a Filipino college professor. His name is Rom-Vic and he asked us to pray for him and his parents to get along better. He is a very intelligent man in his mid 40s and spoke very good English. He seemed to be confused about God and RC church. He said he wanted to meet with us again and that he would contact us via email to set something up. Please pray for Rom-Vic, especially that the Lord will show him the Truth of His Word.

That’s all for right now…

Prayer Request

  • please pray for us as we are adjusting to high heat and humidity
  • pray for continued good health
  • please pray for our visas, for a smooth process and quick approval!
  • please pray for us, as we look for a vehicle
  • please continue to pray for Aunt Rose
  • please pray for our language study
  • please pray for the translation efforts at RBC and the BSA Correspondence School
  • please pray for the completion of the new BSA building, which has stopped construction due to lack of funds. BSA annually grades over 2 million correspondence courses for Asia.

PS: We miss you all very much and think of you often!

In Him,

with much love,

Patrick & Karen

“Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ . . .” – 2. Cor 2:14

Update from Manila 10/24/2012

Greetings from warm and humid Manila!

We have been here now for 2 weeks and would like to update you on what has happened thus far.

We arrived safe and sound in Manila on Oct 9th, about noon, and got to our apartment that was full of our boxes!

Praise the LORD!


Our friend Lani Mangaring was anxious to see us and came all the way from Romblon Island by boat.  She has been helping us with unpacking and organizing.  This has been a challenge, since we do not have any furniture, yet. Lani has been a great blessing to us!  She is such a hard worker and has such a wonderful servant’s heart.  Keep in mind, that life here moves much slower and accomplishing common tasks takes much longer.   For example: purchasing some cheap cell phone’s took almost a whole day.  Buying groceries takes about a half of a day.  We always have to take public transportation and the traffic is also very slow moving.

The first week,  Patrick was asked to help with a translation task, so he met with Maila, a lady who comes to the office every other week .  Patrick’s job was to explain the English meaning of Scripture, Commentaries and other selected text to Maila, who then translated it in to the Filipino language. Patrick enjoyed this task very much!

The first Sunday here, we visited the San Juan Gospel Chapel, and we had a blessed time of worship & fellowship with the saints there!   Of all things, the first hymn was one of our favorites:  “Man of Sorrows”!   This certainly warmed our hearts!   The meeting was a mix of English and Tagalog, so we could understand most of it.

The second Sunday we visited the Berean Gospel Church in Quezon City, where Karen went when she was a single missionary, back in 1990-95.  Sadly, since then they have hired a pastor, probably due to the lack of male attendance, and therefore the lack of male leadership (which is a common problem here in the Philippines!).   Patrick was asked to share God’s Word and he spoke on Eph 1:7 “In Him we have the redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sin…”.   There are many young people in attendance and we certainly enjoyed our time there.

Also, next Tuesday we have an appointment with a language tutor to find out more details and options, and we would like to ask for your prayers in this regard.

Lastly, just today, we received our second shipment, undamaged and complete!

Praise the Lord!

We both feel wonderfully blessed by our God and Savior!

Prayer Request

  • please pray for us as we are adjusting to high heat and humidity
  • pray for continued good health
  • please pray for our visas, for a smooth process and quick approval!
  • please pray for us, as we look for a vehicle
  • please continue to pray for Aunt Rose, as her hip seems to be healing very slowly
  • please pray for Lani’s family on Romblon, as a strong tropical storm is approaching the island!
  • please pray for our language study
  • please pray for the translation efforts at RBC and the BSA Correspondence School
  • please pray for the completion of the new BSA building, which has stopped construction due to lack of funds. BSA annually grades over 2 million correspondence courses for Asia.

PS: We miss you all very much and think of you often!

In Him,

with much love,

Patrick & Karen

“Thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ . . .” – 2. Cor 2:14

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Welcome to the Philippinnes!
January 2025

--Click here for our Picture Gallery--

Translation of William MacDonald's Believer's Bible Commentary in to the filipino language Tagalog


The Mangaring Family, left to right:

Lani, Mary Cris, Tamara and Anthony


Phyllis Rapha, a Missionary from Singapore, who assisted SIL/ Wycliffe in translating the NT in to Romblomanon



The rental property...

It looks bigger than it is...it needs a lot of work, because it has been abandon for a long time...

Romblon Town Harbor